Echoes of Wisdom Tears of the Kingdom Breath of the Wild Ocarina of Time Games

The Isolated Plateau Walkthrough

Descend the Tower quickly by dropping through the small gap at the top to the platform below. You can go clockwise around the tower and fall from platform to platform until you reach the ground again. Once you’ve climbed down the old man will glide down and speak with you about Calamity Ganon. He’ll tell you to follow him and show you the first of four shrines atop the plateau. He’ll offer to trade you his paraglider for the treasure within, so make your way to it and head inside.

EX Chest: Ruby

If you purchased the Season Pass for Breath of the Wild you can find an EX Chest with a ruby in it to the left of the shrine entrance.
EX Chest outside Oman Au Shrine

Oman Au Shrine

Start the magnesis trial by activating the Sheikah Tablet to the left of the entrance. This will give you the ability to use the Magnesis Rune, which lets you pick up and move metallic objects. Use the new rune and lift one of the metal plates on the floor so you can get beneath it and follow the passageway to the next area. Once you’re up the staircase you can use magnesis on the metal block in the pile to push and pull it around to force your way through. You can use the D-Pad on your controller to push the block in and out to make this easier!

Once through you’ll encounter a Guardian Scout I. If you can deflect its laser shot with your shield you can take it down in one hit. If not, something like the woodcutter’s axe should still dispatch it without much difficulty. With the guardian scout defeated, cross over the metal bridge to the next raised platform. Here you’ll need to use magnesis to lift the bridge and set it over the gap on the other side so you can cross here too. Once you’ve crossed you can again use magnesis to grab the chest on the raised platform to the left and bring it to you so you can claim a [botw-pop item=”travelers-bow”]Traveler’s Bow[/botw-pop]. Not too bad! Complete the trial by using magnesis to open the doors in front of you and speaking with the monk that waits beyond.

Moving the bridge in Oman Au shrine
A chest containing a Traveler's Bow

The Other Shrines

After leaving the shrine, the old man will approach you again to tell you you must acquire the treasures in the other three shrines on the plateau before he’ll give up the paraglider now. He’ll also teach you how to use the fast travel feature from your Sheikah Slate to reach to top of the tower quickly. Before doing that though, use magnesis to pull out the chests for an [botw-pop item=”amber”]amber[/botw-pop] and an [botw-pop item=”opal”]opal[/botw-pop]. Once you’ve grabbed both of those, simply press the Minus (-) button on your controller and travel back to the Great Plateau Tower. Once there you can speak with the old man and he will teach you how to mark your map. Click down on the right stick on your controller and press A to leave a pin on a location. This way you can find things you’ve noted by simply looking at your map later. Mark down the other three shrines you see before heading back down the tower. For the next shrine in this guide, we’ll be heading south.

Chests in the water
Path to Ja Baij Shrine

Try to avoid the deactivated guardians as much as you can. If you wander too close you may wake them and that can make it a pain to get into the shrine. You can climb the walls without much difficulty as long as none of the guardians are awake, so be sure to take advantage of that.

EX Chest: Nintendo Switch Shirt

If you purchased the Season Pass for Breath of the Wild you can find an EX Chest with the exclusive [botw-pop item=”nintendo-switch-shirt”]Nintendo Switch Shirt[/botw-pop] inside it on top of the wall in front of the shrine. It doesn’t offer any additional armor over the [botw-pop item=”old-shirt”]Old Shirt[/botw-pop] you’re probably already wearing and is a purely aesthetic choice.
EX Chest outside Ja Baij Shrine

Ja Baij Shrine

Activate the Sheikah Tablet on the left to gain access to the Bomb Rune, which you’ll need to complete this trial. Use one of the bombs to blow up the cracked blocks in your way and open up the rest of the shrine. You can switch between the round and square ones to use more bombs! The cooldowns on them are separate! If you turn to the right you’ll encounter another set of cracked blocks that you can destroy to reveal a chest with a [botw-pop item=”travelers-claymore”]Traveler’s Claymore[/botw-pop] inside. Bomb the blocks on the other side to continue through the shrine.

Climb the ladder and set a square bomb on the moving platform to safely detonate it on the other side. Alternatively you can throw a bomb across and try to time the explosion while it’s in the air, but it is more difficult. Turning left you’ll see some pillars moving on a cycle and launching an orb. Stand on the one that doesn’t have the orb on it and it will launch you over to a chest with some [botw-pop item=”amber”]amber[/botw-pop] inside.

Hidden chest in Ja Baij Shrine
Using the square bomb on the moving platform

Return to where you entered this room and you’ll notice a raised platform with a sort of funnel on the other side. You can drop a round bomb in this onto the pillar and send it flying to the other side. Detonate it once it’s there to destroy the blocks. From here you can simply climb the ladder and speak with the monk at the end to complete Ja Baij Shrine.

Standing on the pillar to get launched across
The bomb after it's launched across the gap

Warm Doublet

With two of the four shrines on the plateau completed, it’s time to make your way to the final two. You’ll probably want to side track just a bit to get the [botw-pop item=”warm-doublet”]Warm Doublet[/botw-pop] before you head into the cold. To get it head southwest to the old man’s cabin. Here you can read his diary and learn about the spicy meant and seafood fry.

Location of the Old Man's cabin
Old Man's Diary

When you’ve finished, take the spicy peppers on the table and use your Sheikah Slate to travel to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you don’t have any [botw-pop item=”hyrule-bass”]Hyrule Bass[/botw-pop] in your inventory, head do the Temple of Time and catch some Hyrule Bass from the water there. Next you’ll need some [botw-pop item=”raw-meat”]raw meat[/botw-pop], so head north and slightly west to the Forest of Spirits. In here you can find a small camp with a [botw-pop item=”travelers-bow”]Traveler’s Bow[/botw-pop] and some arrows. Look around until you find a boar and sneak up on it to take it down with your arrows.

Camp in the Forest of Spirits
Hunting a boar

With a Hyrule Bass, raw mean, and spicy pepper in your inventory head back to the old man’s cabin. The quickest way will be to fast travel back to Ja Baij Shrine and go southeast from there. Once you’re back you’ll need it to be night. Fortunately you can pass time by sitting at the campfire until then and make it go quickly. Now that it’s night, open your inventory and hold the hyrule bass, raw meat, and spicy pepper in your hands. Cook them in the pot to make a spicy meat and seafood fry. Speak to the old man and tell him you’ve cooked something and you’ll give you the Warm Doublet in exchange for it.

While you can just try to run or use food to prevent yourself from freezing, the Warm Doublet will allow you to explore the region more. This is also helpful for when you leave the plateau and begin to explore other areas. One of the fastest ways to reach the remaining two shrines now is to fast travel to the Shrine of Resurrection again. You can climb the rock formation just to the left of the exit of the shrine and up to the area above. Follow the river to the west and you’ll come to a broke bridge. Use magnesis here to move the broken door and cover the gap in the bridge, allowing you to cross.

Climbing the wall outside the Shrine of Resurrection
Completing the bridge using magnesis

Once across the bridge you can climb the raised section in front of you to reach Keh Namut Shrine.

Keh Namut Shrine

Activate the tablet with your Sheikah Slate to gain the cryonis ability. Use it in the water near the edge and climb the block of ice to the top. Place another block beneath the gate to lift it so you can pass underneath. Defeat the Guardian Scout I in the hallway beyond and use Cryonis again near the all outcrop to reach the chest with a [botw-pop item=”travelers-spear”]Traveler’s Spear[/botw-pop]. Lift the platform at the end with cryonis again to reach the stairs at the top. Speak with the monk at the end to complete the trial.

Getting to the chest in Keh Namut Shrine
Placing Cryonis to lift the platform

The Fourth Shrine

With cryonis you can raise the chest out of the water in the lake just north of Keh Namut Shrine to snag an [botw-pop item=”opal”]opal[/botw-pop]. Be sure to build a few pillars so you don’t die to the cold water! To reach the final shrine, head south and slightly east towards Mount Hylia. If you climb to the top you will find the old man again and he will give you the Warm Doublet if you don’t already have it. Head to the south of the plateau where you can see the final shrine from and climb down the cliff side to reach it safely.

Use cryonis to reach the final shrine
Map location for the final shrine

Owa Daim Shrine

Activate the tablet with your Sheikah Slate to gain the stasis ability. Aim at the spinning cog and stop it when the platform in front of you is flat so you can cross the gap. You’ll see some boulders rolling down a ramp. You can use stasis here to freeze them in place so you can run up safely. You can also barely make it by sprinting the whole way up with good timing, but using stasis is much easier. By stopping a boulder midway between the rolling cages you can safely reach the chest with a [botw-pop item=”travelers-shield”]Traveler’s Shield[/botw-pop] since it will stop the boulders from dropping as well.

Stopping the first cog
Stopping the boulder mid way

Once past the rolling boulders you should see an [botw-pop item=”iron-sledgehammer”]Iron Sledgehammer[/botw-pop] resting against the wall. Grab it and head down the path where a stationary boulder blocks your way. The main use of stasis in this game will be to freeze items like this boulder and smack them with items to send them flying. Use stasis on the boulder and hit it with the iron sledgehammer a few times. Once the stasis ends the boulder will shoot out of the path and you will be able to complete the shrine.

Hammer location in Owa Daim Shrine
Launching the boulder in Owa Daim

Getting the Paraglider

After finishing the final shrine, the old man will tell you to meet him where the lines intersect. They happen to intersect at the Temple of Time, so make your way back there by heading north from Owa Daim Shrine. Head inside the Temple of Time and you’ll see a glowing statue. Interact with it and you’ll be told you can exchange four spirit orbs for either a Heart Container or a Stamina Vessel. The heart container will give you more health so you can withstand more damage, whereas the stamina vessel will give you more stamina so you can sprint and climb longer. Choose whichever you’d prefer and the old man will tell you to come up on the roof.

Head back through the broken wall of the temple and you’ll see a ladder that will allow you to reach the top. Climb it to the top and run along the roof to reach the old man in the alcove above it and trigger a cutscene telling you about who the old man really is and what happened to Hyrule.

The statue in the Temple of Time
Ladder to reach the top of the Temple of Time

After the cutscene you will finally be given the Paraglider and the quest will be marked as complete!

[botw-pop-content item=”travelers-claymore”] [botw-pop-content item=”travelers-spear”] [botw-pop-content item=”amber”] [botw-pop-content item=”opal”] [botw-pop-content item=”hyrule-bass”] [botw-pop-content item=”raw-meat”] [botw-pop-content item=”travelers-shield”] [botw-pop-content item=”iron-sledgehammer”] [botw-pop-content item=”travelers-bow”] [botw-pop-content item=”nintendo-switch-shirt”] [botw-pop-content item=”old-shirt”] [botw-pop-content item=”warm-doublet”]