Echoes of Wisdom Tears of the Kingdom Breath of the Wild Ocarina of Time Games

Follow the Sheikah Slate Walkthrough

Once you gain control of Link, walk to the tablet focused on in the cutscene and examine it with A. You will receive the Sheikah Slate and the door to the chamber will open so you can leave. Head through it and open the two chests you find in the room beyond for the [botw-pop item=”well-worn-trousers”]Well-Worn Trousers[/botw-pop] and the [botw-pop item=”old-shirt”]Old Shirt[/botw-pop]. You can press the + button to access your inventory and equip them. With a bit of armor on, activate the tablet at the other end of the chamber to open the second door barring your exit. Climb the small ledge ahead using X and make your way out of the Shrine of Resurrection.

Tablet in the Shrine of Resurrection
Climbing out of the Shrine of Resurrection

The short cutscene following your exit shows you an old man walking towards a small campfire. Make your way towards him while collecting some of the [botw-pop item=”tree-branch”]Tree Branches[/botw-pop] and [botw-pop item=”hylian-shroom”]Hylian Shrooms[/botw-pop] on the way. If you’re sneaky (click down on the left control stick) you may even be able to snag a few [botw-pop item=”bladed-rhino-beetle”]Bladed Rhino Beetles[/botw-pop] from on the trees nearby. Zelda will speak with you on your way down the trail and the game will instruct you that you can press the – button to view your map. Continue towards the old man, grabbing some [botw-pop item=”apple”]apples[/botw-pop] from the tree near him for some backup healing if you need it.

Sneaking up to snatch a beetle
Climbing a tree to reach the apples

Setting Out

If you speak with the old man he’ll tell you about where you are and that you can speak to him if you need help. Snatch the baked apple resting near the fire and set your own apples and hylian shrooms near the fire to bake them for a little extra healing if you want. You can grab the [botw-pop item=”torch”]torch[/botw-pop] from behind the old man as well as the [botw-pop item=”woodcutters-axe”]Woodcutter’s Axe[/botw-pop] in the stump further down the trail.

If you jump from the small outcropping into the pond and land in the circle of plants you can get yourself a Korok Seed. There are 900 of these hidden throughout Hyrule, and they’re necessary to upgrade the amount of equipment you can carry. You’ll want to keep an eye out for them and grab them whenever possible. Within the pond are also some [botw-pop item=”hyrule-bass”]Hyrule Bass[/botw-pop] that you can grab for later. More healing items is always nice! Climbing the small island in the pond will also get you a [botw-pop item=”rusty-broadsword”]Rusty Broadsword[/botw-pop] which will be a lot more useful than a handful of tree branches.

Korok Seed in the pond on the Great Plateau
Rusty Broadsword in the stone

Temple of Time

Swim towards the temple of time and move up the hill towards it once you reach land again. You can approach the fallen guardians and search them for possible materials such as [botw-pop item=”ancient-screw”]Ancient Screws[/botw-pop], [botw-pop item=”ancient-spring”]Ancient Springs[/botw-pop], [botw-pop item=”ancient-gear”]Ancient Gears[/botw-pop], and [botw-pop item=”ancient-shaft”]Ancient Shafts[/botw-pop]. Once you’ve finished with that, take care of the bokoblin out in front of the temple so you can make your way inside. Collect the [botw-pop item=”bokoblin-horn”]Bokoblin Horn[/botw-pop], [botw-pop item=”bokoblin-fang”]Bokoblin Fang[/botw-pop], or [botw-pop item=”bokoblin-guts”]Bokoblin Guts[/botw-pop] he drops as well as his [botw-pop item=”boko-club”]Boko Club[/botw-pop].

Searching dead guardians for loot
Bokoblin guarding the Temple of Time

Once inside the temple, turn to the right and you’ll see a chest containing a [botw-pop item=”travelers-bow”]Traveler’s Bow[/botw-pop]. This will let you take out enemies from a distance once you find some arrows. Breaking the pots nearby by throwing them or with a weapon should get you a small bundle of them to get you started. If you’re lucky, one of the pots may even contain some [botw-pop item=”amber”]amber[/botw-pop], but this isn’t something that’s guaranteed. Now that you’ve got a few decent items, head back out of the Temple of Time and make your way back to the original trail you were following.

If you stop in some of the ruins near the temple you’ll find a bokoblin guarding a chest. Defeating it and opening the chest will get you the [botw-pop item=”hylian-trousers”]Hylian Trousers[/botw-pop], which are a solid upgrade from the Well-Worn Trousers so you may want to take the time to do it. Once you’ve done that, head back to the trail out in front of the temple.

Chest Hidden in the Temple of Time
Bokoblin guarding the chest with the Hylian Trousers

The Tower

Back out in front of the temple you can find some more healing with the [botw-pop item=”hyrule-herb”]Hyrule Herb[/botw-pop] as well as a couple more apples. Continue down the trail and you’ll come across two Chuchus. These guys aren’t that difficult as one hit from your new boko club should deal with them easily. Collect the [botw-pop item=”chuchu-jelly”]Chuchu Jelly[/botw-pop] they drop and make your way towards the small rock formation nearby.

Hyrule Herb nestled in the grass
The rock formation is our destination

There are some bokoblins guarding this formation, so it’s probably important. If you rush towards it you’ll likely be spotted by the two bokoblins with bows on the right so you may wish to use your own bow to take them out first. With them dealt with you can move up to where they were to replenish some arrows and even nab their [botw-pop item=”boko-bow”]Boko Bows[/botw-pop]. From this vantage point you can use your bow to shoot the remaining bokoblin guarding entry to the formation, or you can rush at him and handle it from close range. The latter can be a bit more difficult as he’s wielding a shield though. If you do go for close range, the fourth attack from a one-handed weapon will cause him to stagger and open him up to attacks.

Using the new bow to safely deal with the bokoblins
Stunning the bokoblin with an attack so it's vulnerable

Once the bokoblin is defeated you’ll probably want to pick up the [botw-pop item=”boko-shield”]Boko Shield[/botw-pop] and [botw-pop item=”travelers-sword”]Traveler’s Sword[/botw-pop] it dropped. Now you can head into the rock formation where you’ll see a deactivated shiekah tablet. Activate it with your sheikah slate to raise the Great Plateau Tower. Once the tower is raised, climb down and speak with the old man to continue into the next quest, The Isolated Plateau.

[botw-pop-content item=”well-worn-trousers”] [botw-pop-content item=”old-shirt”] [botw-pop-content item=”tree-branch”] [botw-pop-content item=”hylian-shroom”] [botw-pop-content item=”bladed-rhino-beetle”] [botw-pop-content item=”apple”] [botw-pop-content item=”torch”] [botw-pop-content item=”woodcutters-axe”] [botw-pop-content item=”hyrule-bass”] [botw-pop-content item=”rusty-broadsword”] [botw-pop-content item=”ancient-screw”] [botw-pop-content item=”ancient-spring”] [botw-pop-content item=”ancient-shaft”] [botw-pop-content item=”ancient-gear”] [botw-pop-content item=”bokoblin-horn”] [botw-pop-content item=”bokoblin-fang”] [botw-pop-content item=”bokoblin-guts”] [botw-pop-content item=”chuchu-jelly”] [botw-pop-content item=”hyrule-herb”] [botw-pop-content item=”boko-club”] [botw-pop-content item=”travelers-bow”] [botw-pop-content item=”amber”] [botw-pop-content item=”hylian-trousers”] [botw-pop-content item=”boko-bow”] [botw-pop-content item=”boko-shield”] [botw-pop-content item=”travelers-sword”]